EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation – FAQ’s

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EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to the frequently asked questions here!
What validation does the EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation Exam provides?

Cloud computing is about providing IT-related services through the Internet. It allows flexible IT solutions to support businesses, based on clear service arrangements. EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation is a certification that tests candidates on the basics of Cloud Computing. This vendor-neutral qualification includes some technical knowledge and looks at the general management aspects of Cloud Computing.

Towards which kind of audience is the exam targeted?

This Cloud Computing Foundation certification is ideal for professionals who have a role or interest in the use and management of internet-based services. This includes management positions, service provider staff and IT administrators and service managers.

What are the objectives of the exam?
  • Firstly, The principles of Cloud Computing
  • Secondly, Using and accessing the Cloud
  • Thirdly, Security and Compliance
  • Also, Implementing and managing Cloud Computing
  • Lastly, Evaluation of Cloud Computing
What if I’m not able to pass the exam in the first attempt?

You are allowed to retake the exam the same day, if possible, at your Exam Center or via the EXIN Anywhere Service. However, EXIN advises candidates to take time for extra study. The coaching report will show you which topics need additional attention.

How much do I pay to take the EXIN CCF exam?

You need to pay US$ 238 as the exam fees. However, you can calculate the price HERE for other nationality or language.

What is the length of the exam?

The exam duration is 1 hour.

What is the format of questions in the exam?

You’ll find the questions to be multiple choiced.

Are there any pre-requisites to the exam?

No, there are no pre-requisites to the exam because it is a foundation level exam.

How much am I supposed to score to pass the exam and get certified?

You need 65% to pass and get certified. That means, you need to give 26 correct answers of the total of 40 MCQ’s.

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