Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist

Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist certification gives introductory vendor-neutral education for people planning to attempt product-focused database specialization. The course introduces the candidate to DB2, Oracle Database 11g, MS SQL, and MySQL. The candidate will also learn about Structured Query Language (SQL) and database optimization through normalization. The CIW Database Design Specialist course prepares candidates to take the CIW Database Design Specialist exam, which if passed earns the individual the Database Design Specialist certification. Candidates who also have the CIW JavaScript Specialist certification and the CIW Perl Specialist certification earn the advanced CIW Web Development Professional certification in addition.
Target Audience
- IT managers/directors
- Application developers
- Web development professionals
- Software programmers
- Enterprise developers
Exam Format
Exam Name CIW Database Design Specialist | Exam Code 1D0-541 |
Exam Duration 90 mins | Exam Format Multiple Choice |
Exam type MCQs | Number of Questions 50 Questions |
Eligibility/Prerequisite refer paragraph below | Exam Fee $95 |
Exam Language NA | Pass Score 75 |
For CIW Database Design Specialist certification exam candidates must have:
- Basic knowledge of the purpose and function of a database.
- Familiarity with an operating system such as Microsoft Windows 7.
Certification Validity
CIW certifications do not expire. Once CIW certified, always CIW certified. However, the CIW skills objectives and certification exams are revised periodically when the industry dictates that updates are needed. CIW strongly encourages candidates to update their certification status by taking new versions of exams and earning the latest version of each certification, in order to demonstrate their current skills to the job marketplace.
Exam Retake Policy
The CIW Exam Retake Policy outlines the conditions under which a candidate may retake a CIW exam. A waiting period between retakes of a single certification exam maintains the security of the exam and strengthens the value of the CIW certification. Each CIW exam is defined by a unique exam ID (e.g., 1D0-541). A retake is any subsequent sitting of an exam with the same CIW exam ID by the same candidate at any authorized testing center.
In the event that a candidate passes a CIW exam, the candidate will not be allowed to retake that CIW exam. If the CIW exam objectives change, the exam ID changes to reflect the new exam version. Candidates who have passed an exam may sit a newer version of the exam that may have the same title but a different ID number.
CIW Database Design Specialist FAQ
Exam Security Policy
CIW exams are administered under secure, proctored conditions through authorized testing services worldwide. These centers are required to confirm the identity of exam candidates and provide a controlled environment for collecting and transmitting exam results.
The CIW program does not release questions or answers to exam questions. This is a standard procedure for high-stakes certification exams to maintain the value of the certification. All CIW exam items are copyrighted. To maintain the security and value of our program, they reserve the right to decertify and/or bar from examinations any individuals who republish or distribute our copyrighted certification exam materials without permission.
Course Outline
The important topics that the CIW Database Design Specialist exam covers are:
Introduction to Databases
- Introduction to Databases
- What Is a Database?
- File-Based Databases
- Relational Databases and Database
Overview of Database Design Methodology
- Introduction to Database Design
- Methodology
- Effects of Poor Database Design
- Practices
- Database Design Phases
- Conceptual Database Design
- Entity-Relationship (ER) Models
Relational Database Fundamentals
- Introduction to Relational Databases
- Multitier Database Architecture
- Relational Model Terminology
- Using Tables to Represent Data
- Characteristics of Relations
- Data Models
- Entities and Data Relationships
- Relational Integrity
- Database Languages
- Data Dictionaries
- Introduction to Normalization
- What Is Normalization?
- Normal Forms
- First Normal Form
- Second Normal Form
- Third Normal Form
- Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)
Structured Query Language
- Introduction to Structured Query
- Language
- SQL Basics
- Data Definition Language
- Data Manipulation Language
- Retrieving Data from Relations
- Data Control Language
Database Planning
- Introduction to Database Planning
- Database Design Life Cycle
- Database Requirements Document
- ProAudio Case Study
- Selecting a DBMS
- Selecting an Application Interface
Logical Database Design
- Introduction to Logical Database
- Design
- Logical Database Design
- Creating a Logical Data Model
- Using a Database Definition
- Language
- Validating the Logical Data Model
- Defining Integrity Constraints
- Creating an Enterprise Data Model
Relational Algebra
- Introduction to Relational Algebra
- Defining Relational Algebra
- Selection
- Projection
- Cartesian Product
- Union
- Difference
- Intersection
- Joins
Physical Database Design
- Introduction to Physical Database
- Design
- Physical Database Design
- MySQL Query Browser
- Creating Enterprise Constraints
- Using Secondary Indexes
- Denormalization
- Creating User Views
- Designing Database Access Rules
Transactions and Database Security
- Introduction to Database
- Transactions and Security
- Transactions
- Concurrency Control
- Database Security
Preparation Guide for Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist
While preparing for any certification or exam, it should be very clear if you know where to begin. Therefore, we at Testprep training have curated a list of all the learning steps and resources which will guide you in a way to succeed and become a CIW Database Design Specialist.

CIW Official Website
First of all, you should visit the official website of CIW because it offers the most reliable information about the exam. CIW provides a study guide for each of its certifications and exams. The Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist content is also present on the official website. The study guide provides all the reliable and most relevant information on a particular exam. It also includes the objectives and the basic details about the CIW Database Design Specialist certification exam.
Review All the objectives
With complete CIW Database Design Specialist exam objectives, the candidate’s exam preparation time is better spent because they already know what to study. Significantly, this is the most important step in the preparation guide. So, let’s take a quick look at the Objectives of the Exam 1D0-541: CIW Database Design Specialist:
- Introduction to Databases
- Overview of Database Design Methodology
- Relational Database Fundamentals
- Normalization
- Structured Query Language
- Database Planning
- Logical Database Design
- Relational Algebra
- Physical Database Design
- Transactions and Database Security
CIW Courseware
The Official CIW Curriculum coursebook includes narrative instruction, technical term definitions, exam objective callouts, hands-on labs, study and assessment resources, application projects, and real-world case studies. You can choose CIW courseware in printed format or electronic format (PDF). Access them here.
CIW Pre-Assessment (online)
We offer an online pre-assessment test that mirrors the number of questions and distribution of exam objectives covered on the high-stakes CIW certification exam. The CIW Pre-Assessment helps students determine their existing skill levels and their preparedness to take the CIW training courses. It also helps identify knowledge areas in which students need to focus their studies in order to pass the certification exam. Access them here.
Hands-On Labs
Hands-On labs give students the opportunity to reinforce their learning and demonstrate their new skills. Hands-on labs are completed on the student’s machine with the provided lab files. Students will need to obtain the necessary software for these labs. Access them here.
CIW Supplemental Materials (online)
For each CIW course we provide supplemental materials, some of which are required for coursework and some of which are optional but of interest for further study. Access them here.
CIW Exam Study Guide (Self-Study only)
CIW Database Design Specialist Study Guides provide focused study for individuals preparing to take high-stakes CIW certification exams. Each CIW Exam Guide features:
- Information about taking CIW certification exams.
- A table listing CIW exam objectives, including knowledge domains and individual exam objectives.
- Enumerated content sections that summarize each exam objective.
- Sample exam questions. Access it here.
Join a Study Group
Joining a group study will also be beneficial for the candidate. It will encourage them to do more hard work. Also, studying in the group will help them to stay connected with the other people who are on the same pathway as them. Also, the discussion of such study groups will benefit the students in their exams.
Try Practice Test
CIW Database Design Specialist practice exam tests are the one who ensures the candidate about their preparation. The CIW Database Design Specialist practice exam test will help the candidates to acknowledge their weak areas so that they can work on them. There are many practice tests available on the internet nowadays, so the candidate can choose which they want. We at Testprep training also offer practice tests which are very helpful for the ones who are preparing.