Create and modify an ExpressRoute circuit

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In this we will learn about how to create an ExpressRoute circuit using the Azure portal and the Azure Resource Manager deployment model. You may also check the status of a circuit, update it, remove it, or deprovision it.

Create a new ExpressRoute circuit

By selecting the option to build a new resource, you may establish an ExpressRoute circuit.

  • Firstly, on the Azure portal menu, select Create a resource. Select Networking > ExpressRoute.
  • Secondly, after you select ExpressRoute, you’ll see the Create ExpressRoute page. Provide the Resource Group, Region, and Name for the circuit. Then select Next: Configuration >.
  • And, when you’re filling in the values on this page, make sure that you specify the correct SKU tier (Local, Standard, or Premium) and data metering billing model (Unlimited or Metered).
    • Port type determines if you’re connecting to a service provider or directly into Microsoft’s global network at a peering location.
    • Create new or import from classic determines if a new circuit is being created or if you’re migrating a classic circuit to Azure Resource Manager.
    • Provider is the internet service provider who you will be requesting your service from.
    • Peering Location is the physical location where you’re peering with Microsoft.
    • SKU determines whether an ExpressRoute local, ExpressRoute standard, or an ExpressRoute premium add-on is enabled. You can specify Local to get the local SKU, Standard to get the standard SKU or Premium for the premium add-on. You can change the SKU to enable the premium add-on.
    • Billing model determines the billing type. You can specify Metered for a metered data plan and Unlimited for an unlimited data plan. You can change the billing type from Metered to Unlimited.
    • Allow classic operation will allow classic virtual networks to be link to the circuit.

Send the service key to your connectivity provider for provisioning

The current condition of provisioning on the service-provider side is indicated by provider status. Circuit status shows you the current state of things on Microsoft’s end. When you build a new ExpressRoute circuit, however, the circuit is in this state:

  • Provider status: Not provisioned
  • Circuit status: Enabled
Create and modify an ExpressRoute circuit AZ-104  practice tests

The circuit changes to the following state when the connectivity provider is currently enabling it for you:

  • Provider status: Provisioning
  • Circuit status: Enabled

To use the ExpressRoute circuit, it must be in the following state:

  • Provider status: Provisioned
  • Circuit status: Enabled

Create your routing configuration

For step-by-step instructions, refer to the ExpressRoute circuit routing configuration article to create and modify circuit peerings.

Modifying an ExpressRoute circuit

Certain features of an ExpressRoute circuit can be changed without affecting connection. On the Configuration page, you may also change the bandwidth, SKU, pricing model, and allow traditional operations. You can complete the following things without taking any time off:

  • Firstly, enable or disable an ExpressRoute Premium add-on for your ExpressRoute circuit.
  • Secondly, increase the bandwidth of your ExpressRoute circuit, provided there’s capacity available on the port.
  • Then, change the metering plan from Metered Data to Unlimited Data.
  • Lastly, you can enable and disable Allow Classic Operations.

Deprovisioning an ExpressRoute circuit

If the provisioning status of the ExpressRoute circuit service provider is Provisioning or Provisioned, you must interact with your service provider to deprovision the circuit on their end. Until the service provider completes deprovisioning the circuit and notifies us, we will continue to reserve resources and bill you.

Create and modify an ExpressRoute circuit AZ-104 online course

Reference: Microsoft Documentation

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