Load balance internet traffic to VMs using the Azure portal

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This article will show you how to use the Azure portal to load balance internet traffic to VMs. By distributing incoming requests over numerous virtual computers, load balancing improves availability and scale. The different components of the Azure Standard Load Balancer that distribute internet traffic to VMs and offer high availability are covered in this lesson.


  • Firstly, Sign in to the Azure portal
  • Subsequently, Create a Standard Load Balancer
  • Also, Create Load Balancer resources
    • Create a backend address pool
    • Create a health probe
  • Also, Create a Load Balancer rule
  • Furthermore, Create backend server
  • Subsequently, Virtual network and parameters
    • Firstly, Create the virtual network
    • Also, Create virtual machines
    • Create network security group rule
    • Install IIS on VMs
  • Then, Test the Load Balancer
  • Furthermore, Remove or add VMs from the backend pool
  • Finally, Clean up resources

Only a Standard Public IP address is supported by the Standard Load Balancer. When you construct a Standard Load Balancer, you must also create a new Standard Public IP address that will be used as the frontend for the Standard Load Balancer (called LoadBalancerFrontend by default).

  • A Load Balancer rule is used to define how traffic is distributed to the VMs. You define the frontend IP configuration for the incoming traffic and the backend IP pool to receive the traffic, along with the required source and destination port. 
  • To distribute traffic to the VMs, a backend address pool contains the IP addresses of the virtual (NICs) connected to the Load Balancer.
  • To allow the Load Balancer to monitor the status of your app, you use a health probe. The health probe dynamically adds or removes VMs from the Load Balancer rotation based on their response to health checks.

When the resource group, Load Balancer, and any linked resources are no longer required, remove them. Select the myResouceGroupSLB resource group, which contains the Load Balancer, and click Delete.

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Reference documentation – Tutorial: Load balance internet traffic to VMs using the Azure portal
