70-483 FAQ (Programming in C#)

Who should take 70-483 exam?
Candidates for this exam are developers with at least one year of experience programming essential business logic for a variety of application types, hardware, and software platforms using C#.
What is the Course Structure for Programming in C# (70-483) Certification Exam?
1. Manage Program Flow (25-30%)
2. Create and Use Types (25-30%)
3. Debug Applications and Implement Security (25-30%)
4. Implement Data Access (25-30%)
What is the cost of 70-483 exam ?
The cost of the 70-483 examination is $165 USD.
What is the total time duration given in 70-483 examination ?
The time duration is 120 minutes.
What is the exam retake policy ?
If the candidate failed to achieve the passing score, then he/she has to wait for 24 hours before reapplying to the examination. The candidate can go to their certificate dashboard and reschedule the exam themselves. The candidate can reappear for the examination only five times. Failure in the second attempt will result in a waiting time of 14 days before rescheduling your third attempt. The waiting period for the fourth and the fifth attempts will also be 14 days.
In which all language I can give the exam ?
This examination is available in English, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil).
What is the passing score of 70-483 exam ?
The passing score for the Microsoft 70-483 is 700 on a scale of 1-1000.
How to register for examination ?
For registering yourself for Programming in C# (70-483) examination you are required to follow the following steps:
- Click on Schedule your exam on the official Microsoft page.
- Login in your Microsoft account using your email id, if you haven’t created an account on Microsoft you are required to signup first before login in.
- Follow the instructions given the site and select the available date and time slot and make the payment.
How can I cancel my examination ?
Microsoft offers candidates to cancel or reschedule their exams within a minimum of 24 hours prior to the exam date. However, to prevent any cancellation fee, you must cancel or reschedule your exam, at least 6 business days prior to the date scheduled for your exam. Also, if you fail to appear in the exam, then you will not receive any refund of the exam fee.
Is there any Prerequisite for the 70-483 examination ?
This exam will bring the best out of those candidates who have experience in programming essential business logic for a variety of application types, hardware, and software platforms using C#. However, the candidate should have knowledge of following domains:
- Managing program flow and events
- Asynchronous programming and threading
- Data validation and working with data collections including LINQ
- Handling errors and exceptions
- Working with arrays and collections
- running with variables, operators, and expressions
- Working with classes and methods
- Decision and iteration statements