1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II

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1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II

Skilled Java Developers are in demand and will remain in demand. 1Z0-816 exam will help the candidates in becoming an Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer. In the 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  exam, the candidate will demonstrate proficiency in Java, a precise and broad knowledge of Java programming language, good coding practices, and an understanding of new features since Java SE 8. After passing the exam, a certified individual proves tremendous fluency in Java SE and acquisition of the valuable professional skills required to be a Java software developer. This includes a deep understanding of object-orientation, functional programming through lambda expressions and streams, and modularity.

Benefits of Oracle Certification
  • Earning an Oracle Certification allows the candidate with the latest product-specific knowledge and skills to compete in the rapidly changing world of technology, and sets you apart, giving you an edge in job interviews.
  • Stand out amongst global cloud professionals by building industry capability in world-class technology.
  • Validate the candidate’s skills and knowledge on how to create infrastructure solutions using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Services.
  • Secure a digital badge for social media profile to demonstrate credibility in the industry.

Learning Objectives 

The candidates should know the objectives for the 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  in order to prepare for it. The candidate can download the exam guide from the official website of Oracle. The objectives of the 1Z0-816 exam are:

  • Java Fundamentals
  • Java Interfaces
  • Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions
  • Built-in Functional Interfaces
  • Migration to a Modular Application
  • Concurrency
  • I/O (Fundamentals and NIO2)
  • Database Applications with JDBC
  • Annotations
  • Exception Handling and Assertions
  • Generics and Collections
  • Java Stream API
  • Lambda Operations on Streams
  • Services in a Modular Application
  • Parallel Streams
  • Secure Coding in Java SE Application
  • Localization
  • Use the Locale class
  • Use resource bundles
  • Format me

Learning Path

Oracle provides certifications in various fields. There are many levels of certifications in Oracle such as Junior, associate, professional, master, expert etc. The main areas in which Oracle provides its certifications are Cloud Infrastructure, Paas,  Enterprise management, Database, Industries, Operation Systems etc. 

To achieve the certification of Java SE 11 Developer, one needs to pass two certification exams; the first one is Java SE 11 Developer I 1Z0-815 exam while the second one is Java SE 11 Developer II 1Z0-816 exam. So, the second examination to attain the OCP certification is officially titled as the Java SE 11 Programmer II and is associated with the 1Z0-816 exam number. 

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II

Exam Details 

The Java SE 11 Programmer II is a certification offered by Oracle which has an exam code i.e. 1Z0-816. The exam contains 80 multiple-choice questions, and the candidate will be provided 180 minutes to complete the exam. The passing score for the 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  is 63%. Also, the examination cost is ₹11,350 (More on exam pricing). This exam has been validated against Java 11.

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II

Scheduling the Exam

The candidate can schedule the exam at the Pearson VUE. Also, you can pay through credit cards. If the candidate has already purchased the exam voucher then they can redeem them at Pearson VUE.

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  Course Outline 

The 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  exam has objectives and subtopics which are mentioned below:

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II
Java Fundamentals
  • Create and use final classes
  • Create and use inner, nested and anonymous classes
  • Create and use enumerations
Java Interfaces
  • Create and use interfaces with default methods
  • Create and use interfaces with private methods
Functional Interface and Lambda Expressions
  • Define and write functional interfaces
  • Create and use lambda expressions including statement lambdas, local-variable for lambda parameters
Built-in Functional Interfaces
  • Use interfaces from the java.util.function package
  • Use core functional interfaces including Predicate, Consumer, Function and Supplier
  • Use primitive and binary variations of base interfaces of java.util.function package
Migration to a Modular Application
  • Migrate the application developed using a Java version prior to SE 9 to SE 11 including top-down and bottom-up migration, splitting a Java SE 8 application into modules for migration
  • Use jdeps to determine dependencies and identify ways to address the cyclic dependencies
  • Create worker threads using Runnable, Callable and use an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks
  • Use java.util.concurrent collections and classes including CyclicBarrier and CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • Write thread-safe code
  • Identify threading problems such as deadlocks and livelocks
I/O (Fundamentals and NIO2)
  • Read data from and write console and file data using I/O Streams
  • Use I/O Streams to read and write files
  • Read and write objects by using serialization
  • Use the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths
  • Use the Files class to check, delete, copy or move a file or directory
  • Use the Stream API with Files
Database Applications with JDBC
  • Connect to databases using JDBC URLs and DriverManager
  • Use PreparedStatement to perform CRUD operations
  • Use PreparedStatement and CallableStatement APIs to perform database operations
  • Describe the purpose of annotations and typical usage patterns
  • Apply annotations to classes and methods
  • Describe commonly used annotations in the JDK
  • Declare custom annotations
Exception Handling and Assertions
  • Use the try-with-resources construct
  • Create and use custom exception classes
  • Test invariants by using assertions
Generics and Collections
  • Use wrapper classes, autoboxing and auto unboxing
  • Create and use generic classes, methods with diamond notation and wildcards
  • Describe the Collections Framework and use key collection interfaces
  • Use Comparator and Comparable interfaces
  • Create and use convenience methods for collections
Java Stream API
  • Describe the Stream interface and pipelines
  • Use lambda expressions and method references
Lambda Operations on Streams
  • Extract stream data using the map, peek and flatMap methods
  • Search stream data using search findFirst, findAny, anyMatch, allMatch and noneMatch methods
  • Use the Optional class
  • Perform calculations using count, max, min, average and sum stream operations
  • Sort a collection using lambda expressions
  • Use Collectors with streams, including the groupingBy and partitioningBy operations
Services in a Modular Application
  • Describe the components of Services including directives
  • Design a service type, load services using ServiceLoader, check for dependencies of the services including consumer and provider modules
Parallel Streams
  • Develop code that uses parallel streams
  • Implement decomposition and reduction with streams
Secure Coding in Java SE Application
  • Prevent Denial of Service in Java applications
  • Secure confidential information in Java application
  • Implement Data integrity guidelines- injections and inclusion and input validation
  • Prevent external attack of the code by limiting Accessibility and Extensibility, properly handling input validation and mutability
  • Securely constructing sensitive objects
  • Secure Serialization and Deserialization
  • Use the Locale class
  • Use resource bundles
  • Format messages, dates, and numbers with Java

Exam Policies 

Like any other vendor, Oracle has its own terms and policies. The terms and conditions of Oracle certifications include the information regarding definition, applicability, Ordering/Registration Options, Learning Credits, Confirmation Process, Fees, Taxes and Invoices, Ownership and Restrictions etc. 

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II
1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II FAQ

1Z0-816 Preparatory Guide 

The preparation steps which are essential in order to successfully pass the 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  exam are:

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II

Oracle Official Website 

Visiting the Oracle official website is an imperative step while planning for the exam like 1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II . The official site offers a lot of good information and resources which are very helpful in preparing for the exam. The resources such as study guide, sample papers, whitepapers, documentation, faqs, etc. The candidate can find all such important things on the official page. 

Oracle Training Program 

The Oracle offers training programs for each of their certifications and exams. Java SE Training will help developers dive into features like improved modularization and ahead-of-time compilation, garbage-collector interface, application class-data sharing, root certificates, additional Unicode language-tag extensions, and more.

Oracle Learning Subscription 

Oracle also provides a learning subscription in which they offer all the relevant and reliable information regarding the certification and exam. Through this self-paced, online training solution, the Java Programming Learning Subscription offers the complete, up-to-date Java SE and Java EE training you need. Click Here for the Java Programming Learning Subscription!

Books and Guides

The next step in the preparatory guide should be books and study guides. The candidate needs to find those books which are enriched with information. Finding a good book may be a difficult task, but in order to gather the knowledge and skills, the candidate has to find, read and understand. We recommend the followings:

  • OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Programmer II Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-816 1st Edition by Scott Selikoff, and Jeanne Boyarsky.
  • OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Programmer I Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-815 1st Edition by Jeanne Boyarsky, and Scott Selikoff.
  • OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 11 Programmer I Exam Fundamentals 1Z0-815: Study guide for passing the OCP Java 11 Developer Certification Part 1 Exam 1Z0-815 Kindle Edition by Hanumant Deshmukh. 
  • Java: The Complete Reference, Eleventh Edition 11th Edition by Herbert Schildt. 

Practice Test 

Practice tests are the one which ensures the candidate about their preparation. The practice test will help the candidates to acknowledge their weak areas so that they can work on them. There are many practice tests available on the internet nowadays, so the candidate can choose which they want. Testprep training also offers practice test.

Join a Study Group 

Joining a group study will also be beneficial for the candidate. It will encourage them to do more hard work. Also, studying in the group will help them to stay connected with the other people who are on the same pathway as them. Also, the discussion of such study groups will benefit the students in their exam. So practise, discuss and successfully become a Java SE 11 Programmer II.

1Z0-816 | Java SE 11 Programmer II  Free Practice Test
