1Z0-808 | Java SE 8 Programmer I FAQ

Below are some of the top FAQs for the Oracle Associate Java SE 8 Programmer I (1Z0-808) certification Exam. Almost all your relevant queries for this certification course will be answered in this segment.
1. What is Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) exam?
Java SE8 1Z0-808 exam is for those candidates who want to get certified as Oracle Associate. This certification helps you get a good understanding in Java with enhancing programming skills. You must have a technical background to take this certification exam, which encompasses technical management, system administration, web development, and technical writing.
2. Is it worth getting certified as an Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) exam?
- The OCAJP SE 8 test will help you improve your Java skills and knowledge. If you’re new to Java, this certification will help you master the various syntaxes, APIs, and gain a solid understanding of the language.
- After clearing Oracle Associate certification you will be eligible to Oracle Professional exam. After clearing both the exam you will become Java SE8 certified programmer.
- This will increase your chances to get a job with high paying salary and to get a better reputation within your team and company.
3. What is the cost for Oracle Certified Associate Java SE8 exam?
This certification exam will cost you $245 USD including the additional taxes.
4. Is there any eligibility requirements to become Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) certified programmer?
You first need to pass the Java SE8 Oracle Associate exam and then the Java SE8 Oracle Professional exam to get certified as Java SE8 Certified Programmer.
5. What is the basic difference between the Java SE8 Oracle Associate and Oracle Professional exam?
Java SE8 oracle Associate is an entry level exam for those candidates who are new in Java. This is for technical background individuals who want to enhance their knowledge in Java by understanding various syntax and increasing skills in a programming language. After completing the Oracle Associate test, you can take the Oracle Professional exam, which is more difficult than the Associate.
6. What is the course structure for Oracle Certified Associate Java SE8 exam?
- The topics covered in this certification exam are –
- Working with selected classes from the Java API,
- Working with Java Data Types,
- Creating and Using Arrays,
- Working with methods and encapsulations,
- Handling Exceptions,
- Java Basics,
- Using operators and Decision Constructs,
- Using Loop Constructs,
- Working with inheritance
7. How to register for Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) exam?
You can register for the OCAJP 8 both online or offline as well 1. You can use the Pearson VUE website for registering online. 2. Or you can buy an exam voucher from Oracle and then register yourself on the Pearson VUE website.
8. What is the time duration and how many questions will be there on Oracle Certified Associate Java SE8 exam?
You have to complete in 150 minutes and there will be 70 questions.
9. What is the minimum passing score for Oracle Associate Java SE 8 exam?
You need to get a minimum 65% to pass the exam
10. Amongst Oracle Associate java SE7 or Oracle Associate javaSE8, which is a better certification exam?
Oracle Associate Java SE8 certification exam is the latest version and it is highly recommended to go for Java SE8 certification rather than Java SE7. Being Certified as Java SE8 programmer is in high demand in the market. It will increase your chance to get a more secure job. There are many new features Java has introduced in Java SE8 in terms of language and will provide an advantage to you over java SE7.
11. How do I prepare for OCAJP SE8 exam?
Oracle Associate Java SE8 exam is for candidates who are new in Java. Candidates must have a technical background to understand better and improve their programming skills. When starting preparing for the exam you should keep few points in mind,
- Coding is the main part of the certification, so there is not have good knowledge in syntax. For this you have to practice coding on a daily basis.
- Research for online courses, which will help you cover all the topics and providing practice sets of questions. This will help you know your weak part and then work on that.
- They will provide you all the study material necessary with expert assistance to solve all the queries.
12. What is the retake policy for the Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) exam?
If you fail the exam or want to retake it, you must wait 14 days and then re-register for the exam. If you repeat the exam, Oracle offers a variety of discount vouchers.
13. What is the policy for the cancelling and rescheduling the Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) certification exam?
- Canceling an exam with an Oracle Testing Center:
- Customers who fail to show up for an exam will have to pay the full exam price. The voucher number will be invalidated and unavailable for future use if the exam fee was paid using a voucher.
- The candidate can cancel or reschedule appointments by going to pearsonvue.com/oracle and logging in to their account. The candidate will choose either Reschedule a Test or Cancel a Test from the options on the right side of the page.
- Customers who fail to show up for a scheduled exam or fail to follow the cancellation policy will be charged the full exam fee. The voucher number will be invalidated and unavailable for future use if the examination fee was paid using a voucher. The candidate can find the cancellation policy in their Pearson VUE confirmation email.
- Customers who do not show up for a scheduled exam with a Pearson VUE Testing Center (PVTC) forfeit the full exam fee. The voucher number will be invalidated and unavailable for future use if the exam fee was paid using a voucher.
- They should go to pearsonvue.com/oracle and login to their account to cancel or reschedule their test appointment. They will choose either Reschedule a Test or Cancel a Test from the options on the right side of the page.
14. Will you be awarded the certification after passing Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) exam?
No, you have to pass Oracle Professional Java SE8 exam as well. After clearing both the exams you will receive a certification and will recognize as Certified Java SE8 Programmer.
15. Benefits of getting Java SE 8 certified?
- Many firms, including Oracle, Amazon, and Accenture, use Java SE8. Because firms are hiring employees for the function of Java Programmer, this has created a large demand among individuals.
- This certification will help you improve your prior programming language skills, study syntax, and comprehend more new Java SE 8 principles.
- The skills and knowledge you will gain in this will set you apart from others.
16. What is Oracle Java certification?
Oracle Java certification is a world standard certification for those candidates having in-depth knowledge of using java and provides a Java developer recognition worldwide. This will help in increasing the chances of getting a good and secure job.
17. Where can one take these exams?
Testing for the Oracle exams is conducted at authorized Pearson VUE testing centers worldwide. You can use their online Test Center Locator to find the test center closest to you.
18. Do I have to pass one exam before I can write the next one?
No specific order has to be followed but if you are aiming for some advanced-level certification it is always advisable to appear for the fundamental level and intermediate level exam beforehand.
19. What is the format of the certification exams?
All exams are closed-book exams while, all questions are either multiple-choice, fill in the missing word or match these against those. Therefore, there will be no written materials or notebook computers allowed in the testing area.
20. Is the exam tough?
That depends on your preparation for the test if you’re well learned then it’s easy while tough for those who have no idea about exam-related content. So, if you have enough knowledge of the stuff still you may find it a bit hard. As they do add some trick questions as well. Nevertheless, these should not scare you off as they don’t count that much anyway.
21. What official Oracle certification tracks are available?
The Oracle Certifications are:
- Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
- Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
- Next, Oracle Certified Master (OCM)
- Oracle Certified Expert (OCE) 5
- Then, Oracle Certified Specialist (OCS)
- Internet Application Developer (Release 6 or 6i)
- Oracle Java Developer (JDEV) *PS: on 31 March 2002 the Oracle Database Operator (DBO) track was discontinued.
22. Do TestprepTraining provide practice set questions for Oracle Associate Java SE8 exam?
TestprepTraining provides unique sets of questions that will help you check your skills and knowledge on Java. These practice questions will help you increase your knowledge for better preparation of exam.
23. Does Testprep Training offer Money Back Guarantee for the Exam Simulator?
Yes, a 100% unconditional money-back guarantee is provided. In case you are not able to clear the exam for then you can request for the full refund. Please note that we only refund the cost of product purchased from Testprep Training and not the Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) Exam cost.
24. Can we try the free test before purchasing the practice exam?
Yes, we offer free practice tests for Oracle Associate Java SE 8 (1Z0-808) Exam which can be used before the final purchase for a complete test.
25. Is there any assistance from Testprep Training in terms of exam preparation?
Yes, Testprep Training offers email support for any certification related query related to our practice exams. Your query will be addressed by experts in due course.
26. During an exam can one skip questions and answer them later in the exam?
Yes, you may mark certain question that you feel are difficult and review them at the end of the exam. After clicking the submit button, the tool will tell you that you have marked questions and allow you to jump to them. When finally submitting the exam both marked and unmarked questions will be scored.
27. Is there any discount on the bulk purchase?
Yes, we offer a discount of nearly 50% for the order of more than 10 products at a time. You can reach the testprep training Helpdesk for more details. The member of the support staff will respond as soon as possible.
28. For how long is the license valid after purchase?
Once purchased, the practice exams can be access for the lifetime.