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Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202) Practice Exam

Siebel 8 Consultant (1Z0-202)

About Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202)

Siebel 8 Consultant (1Z0-202) exam refers to a comprehensive, technical exam that is designed for implementation team members involved in the installation, configuration, or administration of Siebel CRM applications. The exam covers sections that include Siebel CRM applications architecture, functionality, and configuration. Candidates are also tested on the fundamental architectural concepts and structures of Siebel CRM applications, including data access control, data exchange mechanisms, work process, and business logic automation capabilities along with Siebel CRM application design and functionality.

Course Structure

The Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202) Exam covers the following topics -

1 Introducing Siebel Applications

Describe Siebel Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications and how they are classified

Identify the common business entities found in Siebel CRM applications

2 Working With Siebel Data

Create, modify, and delete records

Query for records in a Siebel CRM application

3 Users, Positions, and Organizations

Describe how data access is controlled by users, positions, and organizations

Implement the company structure using divisions, organizations, positions, users, and employees

4 The Siebel Web Architecture

Identify the pieces that make up the Siebel Web architecture

Identify the role of each piece of the architecture

Describe how Siebel requests are processed

5 Server Management

Monitor the state of the enterprise, and individual servers and components within that enterprise

Perform routine administrative tasks on the enterprise, including: a. Managing components b. Backing up and restoring the enterprise c. Setting logging options d. Submitting jobs

6 Securing Access to the Application

Describe the types of user authentication supported by Siebel applications

Explain the role of the security adapter

Describe Single Sign On (SSO) security and how it differs from other authentication methods

7 Siebel Application Architecture

Describe the major types of object definitions

Describe the relationships between them

8 The Siebel Data Model

Describe the purpose of the Siebel Data Model

Describe the role of primary and foreign keys, indexes, and user keys

Identify prominent tables in the Siebel Data Model

9 Siebel Business Objects

Describe how business objects focus data presented in the UI based on context

Describe how views reference business objects

Describe how links are used to relate parent business components to child business components

10 The Configuration Process

Describe the development environment architecture

Set up the development environment

11 Editing and Compiling Object Definitions

Create new and edit existing object definitions

Validate edited object definitions

Archive object definitions and projects

Back up the local database

Compile object definitions into a repository file

12 UI Layer Configuration: Applets

Create and modify a list applet

Create and modify a form applet

13 UI Layer Configuration: Drilldowns

Configure drilldown to a related view

Enable the thread bar

14 Business Layer Configuration: Existing Business Components and Fields

Edit business component properties to capture business logic

Describe business component view modes

Edit field properties to capture business logic

Specify business component and field user properties

15 Business Layer Configuration: Picklists

Describe the differences between dynamic and static picklists

Administer a list of values

Configure a static or dynamic picklists

16 Data Layer Configuration

Create extension columns in a table

Create custom tables: standalone table, 1:1 extension table, 1:M extension table, intersection table

17 Building Siebel Workflow Processes

List the types of workflow processes and workflow steps

Create a new workflow process and configure business service, Siebel operation, and decision steps

18 Executing Workflow Processes

Describe the workflow execution architecture

List several ways to invoke workflow

Invoke a workflow process using a run-time event

Invoke a workflow process using a custom control

19 Siebel Task UI

Describe the role and benefits of Siebel Task UI

Invoke and complete a task

20 Transient Business Components and Branching

Describe the role of transient business components and task applets

Configure branching logic in a task

21 Server Components and Parameters

Define component groups

Define components

Describe parameters as inputs for components

Describe the various levels at which you can set parameters and how to set them

Describe named subsystems and job templates

Exam Pattern 

  • Exam Name: Siebel 8 Consultant Exam
  • Exam Code: 1Z0-202
  • Number of Questions: 60
  • Length of Time:  120 minutes
  • Exam Fee: $245 USD 
  • Exam Language: English

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Tags: Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202) Practice Exam, Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202) practice test, Siebel 8 Consultant Exam (1Z0-202) exam dumps