SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 Practice Exam
SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9
SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9
The SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 exam is for individuals who want to prove their ability to use open source and SAS® Data Management tools to prepare big data for statistical analysis. Also, the SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9 exam has divided into two exams i.e. SAS Big Data Preparation, Statistics, and Visual Exploration and SAS® Big Data Programming and Loading Exam.
Successful candidates should have hands-on experience with a variety of SAS data and open-source data preparation tools.
Course Structure
The relatable domains that the SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9- both exams covers are:
SAS Big Data Preparation, Statistics, and Visual Exploration Exam
1. Data Management - 50%
● Navigate within the Data Management Studio Interface
● Create, design and be able to explore data explorations and interpret results
● Define and create data collections from exploration results
● Apply a Standardization definition and scheme
● Apply Parsing definitions
● Compare and contrast the differences between identification analysis and right fielding nodes
● Apply the Gender Analysis node to determine gender
● Create an Entity Resolution Job
● Define and create business rules
2. ANOVA and Regression - 30%
● Verify the assumptions of ANOVA
● Analyze differences between population means using the GLM and TTEST procedures
● Fit a multiple linear regression model using the REG and GLM procedures
● Analyze the output of the REG, PLM, and GLM procedures for multiple linear regression models
● Use the REG or GLMSELECT procedure to perform model selection
● Assess the validity of a given regression model through the use of diagnostic and residual analysis
● Optimize model performance through input selection
● Interpret the output of the LOGISTIC procedure
3. Visual Data Exploration - 20%
● Examine, modify, and create data items
● Select and work with data sources
● Create, modify, and interpret automatic chart visualizations in Visual Analytics Explorer
● Create, modify, and interpret graph and table visualizations in Visual Analytics Explorer
● Enhance visualizations with analytics within Visual Analytics Explorer
● Interact with visualizations and explorations within Visual Analytics Explorer
SAS Big Data Programming and Loading Exam
1. SAS and Hadoop - 30%
● Describe the baseline requirements for interacting with Hadoop
● Use the HADOOP procedure and the Hadoop FILENAME statement to interact with Hadoop from a SAS session
● Query and manage Hive tables stored in Hadoop using explicit SQL pass-through
● Work with Hadoop files using the SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement
2. SAS DS2 Programming - 30%
● Write DS2 programs
● Read data using DS2
● Work with variables, arrays, and ANSI SQL data types
● Use expressions and functions in DS2 programs
● Work with Methods, Packages, and Threads
3. Hadoop Programming - 15%
● Describe the Hadoop architecture
● Manipulate and load data files using command-line tools
● Write Hive programs to create, join, and query data tables
● Write Pig programs to perform ETL tasks and to analyze large data sets
4. Data manipulation with the IMSTAT procedure - 25%
● Execute IMSTAT procedures
● Perform actions required to produce graphs with PROC IMSTAT
● Manipulate In-Memory Data
● Use High-Performance procedures with the SAS LASR Analytic Server
Exam Format
- Exam Name: SAS Certified Big Data Professional Using SAS 9
- Exam Numbers: A00-220 and A00-221
- Number of Questions: 110 and 65
- Exam Format: Multiple-choice
- Time Give: approx 110 minutes in both
- Passing Marks: Approximately 68%
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