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Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419) Practice Exam

Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419)

About Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419)

The 1Z0-419 exam can help you in becoming Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Implementation Specialist. This certification exam is designed for individuals who possess a strong foundation and expertise in implementing solutions using Oracle's Application Development Framework (ADF).  This certification covers sections like Building and using a data model with ADF Business Components, Creating databound UI components, Defining task flows, Validating user input, Responding to application events, Implementing transactional capabilities and Implementing security. This certification differentiates candidates in the marketplace by providing a competitive edge through proven expertise. 

Course Structure

The Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419) Exam covers the following topics -

1 Introduction to JDeveloper and ADF

Explain how ADF fits into the Fusion architecture

Describe the ADF technology stack (MVC)

Create applications, projects, and connections in JDeveloper

Describe how ADF is used in building Mobile applications

2 Exposing Data to Clients

Declaratively define the data model for an application module

Explain how application modules can manage application state

Create nested application modules and understand transaction considerations 

Create web service interfaces for application modules

Explain ADF BC transaction handling

3 Defining Task Flows and Adding Navigation

Explain how ADF extends capabilities of JSF controller

Create task flows to define control flow in an application

Explain how managed beans are used in an application

4 Validating User Input

Describe the types of validation available for ADF applications

Add declarative validation for an entity object

Write Groovy expressions in validation

5 Adding Functionality to Pages

Implement a list of values (LOV) to enable users to select a value from a list

Use the table component to display structured data as a formatted table

Display hierarchical data in trees

Use ADF Data Visualization (DVT) components to add charts and maps to JSF pages

6 Passing Values between UI Elements

Use a managed bean to hold values

Access business logic from a managed bean through bindings

Use parameters to pass values

7 Building Reusability Into Pages

Identify the benefits of reusing components

Create ADF libraries to share components within and across teams and applications

Create a page template for reuse across the JSF pages in an application to enable a consistent look and feel

Describe how skinning can be used to change the appearance of an ADF application

8 Debugging and Deploying ADF Applications

Identify the JDeveloper tools for logging and diagnostics

Configure ADF logging

Use the JDeveloper debugger

Use JDeveloper to create deployment profiles and configure deployment options

Describe the deployment process

9 Building a Data Model with ADF Business Components

Describe the characteristics of an entity object

Describe the characterisitics of a view object

Describe the characterisitics of an application module

Define a SQL statement on which to base a query for a view object

Describe the persistence mechanism of entity objects

Use the wizard to generate entity objects from database tables

Create updatable view objects based on entity objects

Link view objects to one another in a master-detail hierarchy

10 Creating Views with ADF Faces

Define JavaServer Faces (JSF) and the component architecture

Describe the purpose of backing beans

Identify ADF component types included in the ADF Faces component library

Explain the purpose of a data control

Explain what stretch and flow components are and describe how to use them effectively

Define and use complex layout components

11 Declaratively Customizing Business Components

Modify the default behavior of view objects declaratively

Modify the default behavior of entity objects declaratively

Define a list of values (LOV) for an attribute

Create a transient attribute

Define control hints for entity object attributes

12 Modifying Data Bindings between the UI and the Data Model

Describe the relationship between UI components, data bindings, data controls, and business services

List and define the three types of data bindings

Create and edit data bindings

Examine how metadata files are used to specify parameters, methods, and return values to a data control

13 Adding Advanced Features to Task Flows and Page Navigation

Describe the difference between bounded and unbounded task flows

Create routers for conditional navigation

Call methods and other task flows

Create menu items, menu bars, popups, and context menus

Use a bounded task flow as a region

14 Responding to Application Events

Describe the phases of the JSF life cycle

List other types of server events used by ADF Faces components

Use Partial Page Rendering (PPR)

15 Programmatically Customizing the Data Model

Generate Java classes for business components to modify default behavior programmatically

Set the value of bind variables of a view object at run time 

Explain the benefits of adding service methods at the application module level

Create a method validator for an entity object or attribute

16 Implementing Security in ADF Applications

Describe security aspects of an ADF application

Add ADF security authentication and authorization to an application

Access security information programmatically and with Expression Language (EL)

Exam Pattern 

  • Exam Name: Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials
  • Exam Code: 1Z0-419
  • Number of Questions: 87
  • Length of Time:  120 minutes
  • Exam Fee: $245 USD 
  • Exam Language: English

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Tags: Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419) Practice Exam, Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419) practice test, Oracle Application Development Framework 12c Essentials (1Z0-419) exam dumps