C_SM100_7205 - SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS5) Practice Exam - RETIRED
C_SM100_7205 - SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution ManagerMandatory and Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS5)
About C_SM100_7205 - SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP Solution Manager Mandatory and Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS5)
SAP C_SM100_7205 certification exam validates that the candidate have knowledge of mandatory and managed system configuration of the SAP Solution Manager, including infrastructure. This exam also validates that the candidate can describe the various activities, functions and features that belong to the area of operations of the SAP Solution Manager solution.
Course Structure
1. Managed Systems Configuration > 12%
• Unit 6: Explain how to prepare the Managed Systems configuration and perform the Managed Systems configuration Explain the available user interfaces for SAP Solution Manager and customization. Perform the Managed Systems configuration. Explain the Solution, the Logical Component Group, Logical Component and the Landscape Model.
2. SAP EarlyWatch Reports and Service Level Reporting > 12%
• Unit 9 and Unit 16: Explain the SAP EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) Concept and Configuration, perform the manual Creation of an SAP EarlyWatch Alert (EWA) Report Configure Service Level Report. Produce Service Level Report and explain how to access Service Level Reports (SLR).
3. SAP Solution Manager Enviroment and SAP Solution Manager Sizing 8% - 12%
• Unit 1 and Unit 3: Describe the Application Lifecycle Management with SAP Solution Manager, Managing Authorizations in SAP Solution Manager. Describe the sizing considerations for SAP Solution Manager, describe the installation and upgrade of a SAP Solution Manager system
4. SAP Solution Manager System Landscape Design 8% - 12%
• Unit 2: Explain the SAP Solution Manager architecture and a typical SAP Solution Manager landscape. Explain the Agent Infrastructure and planning of the Agent Infrastructure. Planning the SAP Solution Manager Landscape
5. System Landscape Management (SLD, LMDB) and Process Management (SOLADM, SOLDOC) 8% - 12%
• Unit 4 and Unit 8: Describe Functions and Consumers of the System Landscape Directory (SLD), describe how to synchronize data to the Landscape Management Database (LMDB). Explain the Solution Administration and Solution Documentation function
6. SAP Solution Manager Configuration 8% - 12%
• Unit 5: Describe the prerequisites for the Solution Manager configuration and explain the Guided Procedures for configuration of SAP Solution Manager. Perform the system preparation, infrastructure preparation and basic configuration.
7. Change Management 8% - 12%
• Unit 11: Explain the functions and prerequisites of the Maintenance Planner. Planning a system update in Maintenance Planner. Explain the License Management function and System Recommendations function.
8. Job Management 8% - 12%
• Unit 12: Explain the Job Request and perform the Job Documentation function. Perform the scheduling configuration Explain how to Monitor Background Jobs and analyze Background Processing with SAP Solution Manager.
9. System and Application Monitoring and Dashboards 8% - 12%
• Unit 14 and Unit 15: Explain MAI Architecture and features. Explain the Monitoring Template concept and configuration. Explain Alert Inbox, System Monitoring functions, Dashboards and Solution Manager Mobile Architecture.
Exam Pattern
- Exam Name: SAP Solution Manager Mandatory and Managed System Configuration (7.2 SPS5)
- Exam Code: C_SM100_7205
- Number of Questions: 40
- Length of Time: 90 minutes
- Exam Cost: $549 USD
- Exam Language: English
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