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C1000-021 - IBM Virtualized Storage V2 Practice Exam Questions - RETIRED

C1000-021 - IBM Virtualized Storage V2

About IBM Storage Technical V2

The IBM Virtualized Storage V2 is a certification exam which validates the skills of a technical specialist, providing pre-sales technical assistance during the sales cycle and understands the workload characteristics that differentiate members of the IBM Storwize family, IBM FlashSystem V9000, IBM Spectrum Virtualize, and VersaStack solutions. This specialist can utilize IBM tools to design a solution based on the most appropriate IBM solutions and technologies that meet customer requirements. The specialist can support the implementation of IBM Storwize family solutions. The specialist has knowledge of integration with cloud technology.

Prerequisite for the exam

Two years general storage experience, six or more months IBM Storwize family or IBM FlashSystem V9000 experience, and experience with SAN storage concepts and deployment.

Course Outline

1. General Overview

Differentiate among the IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

Given a scenario, describe the benefits of a virtualized storage infrastructure that influences the decision-making process.

Given a scenario, describe the benefits of the different hardware architectures among the IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

Given a scenario, explain how IBM Spectrum Control and/or IBM Storage Insights enhances IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

Given a scenario, explain how IBM Spectrum Protect/Protect Plus enhances IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

Given a scenario, explain how IBM Spectrum Connect enhances IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

2. System and Advanced Functions Knowledge

Given a scenario, explain ways the IBM Storwize family and/or FlashSystem products enable security.

Given a scenario, describe IBM Storwize family and/or FlashSystem advanced functions.

Given a scenario, explain components and functions included in a standard software license, and what is optional and/or chargeable.

Identify differences between containerized and virtualized environments.

Given a scenario, describe advanced usage of IBM storage management products with IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

3. Solution Design

Given a scenario, create an IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization solution to meet customer requirements .

Given a scenario, evaluate drive types and RAID configurations to meet customer and solution requirements.

Given a scenario, identify networking protocols required to meet customer requirements.

Given a scenario, describe the IBM Storwize family replication and migration considerations.

Demonstrate knowledge of pre-sales tools and resources.

4. Basic Implementation

Given a scenario, perform basic configuration tasks associated with the IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products.

Given a scenario, gather installation requirements.

Demonstrate knowledge of integrating IBM Storwize family, FlashSystem, and virtualization products with other storage hardware and software products.

Demonstrate knowledge of pre-sales and post-sales tools and resources.

Exam Pattern 

  • Exam Name: IBM Virtualized Storage V2
  • Exam Code: C1000-021
  • Length of Time:  90 Minutes

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